
Advanced commerce

2023-01-19 20:32
Advanced Commerce created a platform for online merchandising, which deals with proper placement of products on "shelves" of online stores, that is on the pages of their websites. Their engine is called GrapheneHC. The first concept that the engine operates is a "blend". A blend is a formula used to arrange products in the order they should be displayed. The formula can take in any number of parameters, such as price, popularity, novelty or any other information that the store owner can attribute to a product.

Advanced Commerce platform GrapheneHC allows for different arrangements of products on online store pages such as a simple left-to-right and top-down matrix or more complex arrangements like placing product number 1 in the center of the page and the rest of the products in a spiral pattern. The platform also allows for different "strategies" to be applied, which is a combination of the blend formula and page template. This instruction tells the algorithm how to calculate the order of display and how to arrange them on the page. Different strategies can be applied to different types of pages or sections of the store such as a catalog of products or a sale section and so on. Additionally, the same principle can be applied to search result pages, where the strategy's formula takes into account the search query and the relevance of the products to that query.
Most of the tools for increasing revenue for online stores that I have seen before are tailored exclusively to the tastes and desires of users - their purchase history, pictures of products that they are more likely to click on, and so on. Today's platform allows the seller's desires to be taken into account just as strongly - what they specifically want to sell, for example, items that have been purchased in large quantities or have been sitting in the warehouse. The size of this strength, of course, depends on the weights (importance coefficients) that the store owner assigns to his desires (for example, the number of items or the time they have been in the warehouse) in the blend formula used when placing products. However, if such an opportunity has appeared, sellers are sure to use it. It seems that this should reduce revenue figures - since people should buy what they want to buy, rather than what sellers want to sell to them.

The use of Advanced Commerce, a platform that allows internet retailers to increase their revenue by taking into account the desires of both customers and sellers. The platform allows sellers to prioritize the sale of certain products, such as those that have been in stock for a long time, by adjusting the formula used to place products on the platform. The article also mentions that many startups do not take advantage of similar strategies, often due to poor pricing policies. The author suggests that Advanced Commerce has thoughtfully designed its pricing policy, allowing it to attract partners and expand its customer base.