
When demand exceeds supply

2023-01-17 12:36
Digitail is a cloud-based service for veterinarians and veterinary clinics that aims to streamline and automate various aspects of the practice, such as medical record-keeping, appointment scheduling, billing, financial management, inventory management, report generation, and telemedicine tools. The service also includes an app for pet owners to access their pet's medical records. The main goal of Digitail is to save veterinarians time by reducing administrative work and allowing more time for patient care, thus increasing revenue.
The service includes features such as medical record-keeping, appointment scheduling, billing, inventory management, reporting, telemedicine tools, and even an app for pet owners. The main goal of Digitail is to save time for veterinarians and increase their revenue. This is achieved through significant time savings on administrative work, improved preparation for appointments, and a faster pace of visits. Additionally, Digitail's customer service team helps to transfer data from previous platforms, provides initial training and regular webinars on new features and best practices, and is available 24/7 to answer questions. The monthly service cost for online-only veterinarians is $149 per veterinarian, while the cost for traditional clinics varies depending on the number of veterinarians and other factors.
The main goal of Digitail is to reduce the time spent on administrative tasks and increase the time spent with patients, which in turn will increase revenue. The service also offers customer service that helps with data transfer, training, and ongoing support, as well as a telemedicine option for online consultations. The service is priced at $149 per month per vet. The growing demand for veterinary services driven by an increasing number of pet owners and the need for additional 41,000 veterinarians in the US is a major factor that highlights the relevance of such a service.
The overall trend is toward the veterinary services market, which many founders underestimate. However, we see that the stars are strongly in favor of it: firstly, there are very many domestic animals, and secondly, the number of them will increase. And in third, half of the pet owners regard them as family members, and 30-40% are even willing to go into debt to pay for medical services for them. And this market can be approached from different sides. The first option is from the technology side, as with today's startup, whose platform is designed to allow veterinarians to earn more. The second option is from the side of creating veterinary clinics. It is not necessary to be a veterinarian yourself; you need to be an entrepreneur who can organize the process. For example, in December, I wrote about the Small Door startup, which opens veterinary clinics on a club model.