
Hire senior sales employees fast

2023-01-27 23:08
HirePort is a platform that specializes in hiring senior-level employees such as programmers, heads of sales and marketing departments, and other mid to high-level employees. Rather than searching for candidates themselves.

HirePort provides a marketplace for more than 100 independent recruiters to post job openings and match candidates from their own databases to fill the vacancies. Recruiters are vetted before being allowed to register on the platform and must indicate the types of candidates they typically work with by specialization, position level, geography and other criteria.

When a company posts a job opening on the platform, all recruiters who match the criteria will receive a notification and can submit candidates to the company. The company can then review all incoming candidates through a personal account or integrate the platform with their own internal candidate tracking system.
This startup claims that 8 out of 10 companies using their platform plan to conduct initial interviews with candidates within two weeks of starting to use the platform, and that overall hiring time is reduced by 70%. Some customers have even been able to reduce hiring time by 85%, and others receive more than 15 suitable candidates per month through the platform.

The platform is free for companies that hire 1-2 people per month and costs 99 euros per month for more active hiring companies. Recruiter services, which the platform takes a commission on, are paid for separately and have a fixed cost for all recruiters working through the platform, based on a percentage of the annual salary for the position. Employers also have a 30-day guarantee, which allows for a free replacement of an employee who leaves within that time period. The startup, which is based in the Netherlands, aims to become a leading European platform for hiring "senior" positions.
In summary, there is a trend in the development of marketplaces where intermediaries are returning to help marketplaces to sell. The reason for this trend is that the cost of directly attracting sellers and buyers from marketplaces began to grow sharply. This trend is visible in different markets, such as in the case of Jomigo, Visage, Zarya, Jobox, Fermat, and Wildberries.

These companies use intermediaries in various ways, such as recruiting candidates through existing recruiters, allowing users to resell goods to their friends, distributing catalogs of masters through APIs, allowing influencers to open their own stores, and reselling goods from other marketplaces.

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