
Inclusively project

2023-01-18 19:54
Inclusively project
The Inclusively project is a website for job searching, specifically targeting people with disabilities and limited abilities. The website includes a diverse list of limited abilities such as, but not limited to, absence or paralysis of limbs, spinal diseases, hearing and vision loss, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, autism, dyslexia, stuttering, Down syndrome, diabetes, cancer, HIV and AIDS. The employers on the website are companies that have made inclusivity part of their HR policies and provide special accommodations for people with disabilities. These accommodations range from being able to work in a wheelchair in the office to special voice interfaces that allow people who have lost their vision to work with corporate programs. Companies are not required to provide all additional services to ensure full accessibility but they should be willing to accommodate their employees with disabilities.
The website connects job seekers with companies that have inclusive HR policies and provide special accommodations for employees with disabilities. In addition to connecting job seekers with potential employers, Inclusively also provides webinars and training for employers on how to work with candidates and employees with disabilities. The startup also has a community for job seekers where they can connect with each other and receive support from experts. Inclusively also provides a platform for "advocates" such as coaches, employment experts, rehabilitation consultants, and other specialists to offer their services to job seekers and help them improve their resumes, search for jobs, and adapt to the workplace.
The potential of the market for employment resources for people with disabilities, as the market changes and the need for qualified workers increases. The startup Inclusively focuses on helping companies find new talents among this population, which represents a large percentage of the population in the US. The author suggests that there are opportunities for building infrastructure for professional training and employment for people with disabilities, such as specialized courses, platforms for job placement and specialized tools for people with disabilities to use popular corporate platforms. This can help companies to hire more employees with disabilities, and provide more opportunities for candidates with disabilities to find work.